Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Wow! This computer-size Erasers

Komputer Ini Seukuran Penghapus

 No one thought that a computer could be the size of an eraser 2 inch. Because of the small size of this computer, we are sure if you were careless people, would often forget where to put it.

Is CuBox Pro, the computer name. As the name implies, not only the size of a mini-course, it is also classified as the specification in the mini, the processor 800 megahertz PJ4 dual issue ARM Marvell Armada 510 SoC (System on a Chip), supported by 2GB of RAM.

CuBox Pro also has a USB 2.0 port, an ethernet port, infraref receiver, and HDMI port for 1080p display resolution images. Although classified as a minimalist specification, but it is quite reliable PC for basic computing activities, such as browsing, email, and doing office work.

CuBox Pro will be based on the platform of Linux OS like Ubuntu and others. Prepare to get enough money amounting to USD 169.99. If you are interested to have it, SolidRun already pre-order session for the little one's.

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