Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Meaning "Wkwkwk" From the Perspective of Science

Meaning "Wkwkwk" From the Perspective of Science |  New

We certainly know the meaning of the word shambles. "Wkwkwkwkwk". You also must not remember how many times you use the word in your interactions in the virtual world.
The word has been spoken by the ordinary people of Indonesia to express laughter in social interaction in the virtual world. In the world of science it is known as onomatopoeia (onomatopoeia derived from the Greek word that means "make a name"). Onomatopoeia meaning "name" given to the sound. So in short onomatopoeia is a word to imitate a sound.

And what about the other countries for their social interactions in cyberspace, whether it has the same terms with Indonesia? Of course there are some countries that use onomatopoeia in their interactions whose meaning is roughly equal to the "wkwkwkwkwk":

     Puerto rico = "jajajajaja"
     Brazil = "kkkkkkkkk"
     Thailand = "55555555"
     Canada = "wukaywukaywukay"
     Japan = "Wwwwwwwww"
     Malaysia = "Kahkahkahkah"

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