Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Indonesia is among the world's darkest country

Peta konsumsi energi listrik dunia

Wah! Indonesia is among the world's darkest country | New

  From the most glamorous area to the darkest regions of the earth. Results satellite imagery

shows a map of the use of electricity and energy consumption. Indonesia and other third world countries covered darkness.

This map was made by Felix Pharand-DeschÍnes scientists using data collected from satellite imagery. According to the Daily Mail, he wants to compare a developed country with the third world.
Third world countries in Africa, South America, and most of Asia seemed closed darkness. In Asia, Japan became the country's most sparkling. In central Asia, India, and Australia rarely seen the light. In Africa, the points of light visible only many of Cairo to the Nile in Egypt.
In Indonesia, most of the light spot centered on the island of Java. Meanwhile, the eastern Indonesian region controlled darkness. Energy consumption in Indonesia appear uneven. This condition is inversely proportional to the West that sparkled as much energy consume.
At night, the city of London to be the most shiny with a sprinkling of light dots on the map. In fact, energy consumption can turn on the lights at London Irish to a light show.
Every year London energy consumed 150,000 gigawatt per hour. Energy consumption is equal to the British capital consumption of the entire country of Portugal and Greece. Parties austerity campaign has warned that 50 per cent of the UK population will not be able to see the stars in the night sky as "littered" the light pollution.
Satellite images showed the UK and other countries in continental Europe, such as Paris and Moscow, many consume electricity for lighting at night. Several large cities spend far more energy from space looks great so sparkling.
The United States also wasteful in the use of electricity. Eastern region in Houston, Texas, and San Francisco, and Los Angeles on the west indicates severe light pollution. Beautiful world map shows the nation's glittering West guilty of wasting energy. This region of light pollution in the staggering scale.
Globally, this satellite image shows the western state wasting energy while other areas are in darkness. It shows the rich developed countries consume far more energy than developing countries. Western countries the largest contributor to light pollution.

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