The emoticon that we will instal is boy girl emoticon.
The emoticons look like the following:
For Detail Example of this Emoticon you can look my other blog here, I instal the emoticon there
what is your opinion? you want to put this emoticon? Ok, I will explain the steps to put it in your blog
The Steps to Put it to Your Blog:
1. Login to Your Blog
2. Goto Design (Layout) -> Edit HTML
3. Check the box 'Expand widget templates "
4. Then place the following script code before </ body>
<script type='text/javascript'>
a = document.getElementsByTagName('LABEL');
if(a) {
for(i=0; i < a.length; i++) {
_str = b.item(i)[removed].replace(/:a:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:b:/gi, "<img src=''' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:c:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:d:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:e:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:f:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:g:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:h:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:i:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:j:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:k:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:l:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:m:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:n:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>")
a.item(i)[removed] = _str;
a = document.getElementById('comments');
if(a) {
b = a.getElementsByTagName("DD");
for(i=0; i < b.length; i++) {
if (b.item(i).getAttribute('CLASS') == 'comment-body') {
_str = b.item(i)[removed].replace(/:a:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:b:/gi, "<img src=''' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:c:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:d:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:e:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:f:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:g:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:h:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:i:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:j:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:k:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:l:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:m:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:n:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>")
b.item(i)[removed] = _str;
a = document.getElementById('comments');
if(a) {
c = a.getElementsByTagName("DD");
for(i=0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c.item(i).getAttribute('CLASS') == 'owner-Body') {
_str = b.item(i)[removed].replace(/:a:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:b:/gi, "<img src=''' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:c:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:d:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:e:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:f:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:g:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:h:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:i:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:j:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:k:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:l:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:m:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:n:/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>")
c.item(i)[removed] = _str;
5. Then find the following code:
<p class='comment-footer'>
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
<b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
<b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><data:postCommentMsg/></a>
Note:You can use CTRL+F to find this code
6. After you find it, put the following code after the code
<p class='comment-footer'>
<div style='-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 200; text-align: center; border: 0px solid #90be35; padding: 5px; background: #ffffff; height:350'>
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :a:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :b:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :c:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :d:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :e:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :f:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :g:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :h:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :i:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :j:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :k:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :l:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :m:
<img border='0' height='30' src='' width='30'/> :n:
7. Now you can Save your tamplate and see the result
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