Sudah ratusan tahun, moda transportasi kereta api menjadi penghubung paling cepat antara daerah yang satu dan lainnya. Setiap desa pusat memiliki stasiun kereta api sebagai akses untuk pergi ke desa-desa kecil di sekitarnya.
Kini, seiring perkembangan zaman, moda transportasi pun ikut berkembang. Adanya kendaraan pribadi hingga pesawat terbang dengan harga terjangkau, membuat kereta api kalah pamor.
Beberapa stasiun yang sudah dibangun bertahun-tahun pun terpaksa ditutup karena sudah tak diperlukan lagi. Stasiun berikut ini adalah sepuluh yang terbaik di antara ribuan stasiun yang telah ditinggalkan di seluruh dunia.
Stasiun-stasiun yang kabarnya berhantu ini adalah potongan sejarah. Ketika Anda melihatnya, jangan hanya memandang bangunan ini sebagai bekas stasiun, namun ingatlah sejarahnya.
Para prajurit yang pergi berperang, seorang kekasih yang berpisah atau dipertemukan, dan keluarga yang datang bersama-sama untuk reuni, semua pernah barada di tempat-tempat berikut ini...
1. Estacion Canfranc, Spanyol

The train station was once the third-largest train station in Europe. It's in Spain, near the French border, around the town called Canfranc Estacion. |
Founded in 1928, the station was finally closed in the 70s, the time of the train accident that destroyed bridges around the station as it comes out of the lane.
2. Pinkenba Railway Station, Australia

The train station was once the third-largest train station in Europe. It's in Spain, near the French border, around the town called Canfranc Estacion.
Founded in 1928, the station was finally closed in the 70s, the time of the train accident that destroyed bridges around the station as it comes out of the lane.
3. Echizen-Tano, Tokyo, Japan

Echizen-Tano is a station in Japan that closed several years ago. Not a lot of information circulating about this station, but the photographer took the picture very well.
Can you imagine a line of women waiting for their lover back from the war? Maybe they are still there in the form of ghosts, if you look more carefully.
4. St. Martin Métro Station, Paris, Prancis

Subway station St Martin in Paris was initially closed in 1939 when the start of World War II. The station was then reopened after the French independence. However, the station was finally closed again.
5. Kymlinge Metro Station, Stockholm

In the 1970s, in Stockholm will be built for the metro line towards Kymlinge. But in the middle of the process, for whatever reason, the station stops built.
Metro then opened in 1976. But it seems this image as a place haunted station, making it far from visitors. Some even say that 'only the dead who fell in Kymlinge'.
6. Abandoned Boxcars, Unknown Station

Former railway carriages are still piling in the station this unknown story. Maybe just a ghost who travel through this station. And they are still lurking, hoping no one person or more come up with them!
7. Chamberí Station, Madrid, Spain

Station that has been polished reportedly haunted. The building is filled with graffiti and debris. Spanish authorities decided to make it into a museum that can be visited for free. Dare to come there?
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