Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Complete How to Overcome Firefox Error and Not Responding

mozilla firefox 
How to cope with firefox complete error not responding

There may be some other Internet users and loyal customers firefox mozilla firefox fret because they often crash, error, does not respond, hangs or whatever it is. for it was on this occasion I will share the following tutorial.
What is Mozilla Firefox it??

According to Wikipedia Indonesia, Mozilla Firefox before the original is not named like that but his name Phoenix but then for a moment known |
as Mozilla Firebird became Mozilla Firefox and now which is a cross-platform free web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and hundreds of volunteers. Well now it's time for the main topic.
Causes and Solutions for Mozilla Firefox Not responding or Hang

1. Adobe Flash Player crashes

Usually Firefox problematic if there is no adobe flash player or flash player on the laptop or computer is not updated

Solution: Update adobe flash player plugin any update flash player. When the flash plugin crash or stop responding, maybe pop a dialog box asking for your permission to cancel their nets, the scripts, you can press the Cancel button to keep firefox conditions remain responsive.

2. Plugins and Addons Troubled

certain addons or plugins sometimes cause errors and crashes firefox.

Solution: If you install a new firefox addon and have started to crash after installing it, the better it is clear addons. Furthermore, if the problem persists, start firefox safe mode to mode. This mode serves to open mozilla browser without loading any addons. This is very useful for analyzing problematic addons. The next try is always updated plugins and addons.

3. Crashes occur between programs and other Software

Usually several other programs that alter or interfere with the normal operation of mozilla firefox browser may cause crashes.

Solution: If You install any program and firefox crashes when the program is started, it must remove the software immediately.

4. Antivirus, Internet Security Suite and Firewall

Check if antivirus software or internet security software internet firefox restrict access by changing certain settings.

Solution: Install and configure antivirus, internet security software and firewall. Also check the list of vaults virus, firefox add this program to whitelist in firefox if you are detected as a virus.

5. Operation System or driver does not update

Make sure you update Os. Even the most important drivers and graphics drivers should be regularly updated to the latest version.

Solution: Update Operation System or driver.

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